Sleep Apnea

10At Sara Cummins Aesthetics & Implant Dentistry, we offer sleep apnea treatment services to help you get a better night sleep. Besides just making you feel rested, a better night sleep can improve your health and prevent some of the problems associated with disrupted sleep patterns.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects millions of Americans, and if left untreated, can lead to some serious health problems. For example, if your breathing is frequently interrupted while you are sleeping, it could cause you to feel exhausted and tired during the day. If you are too tired to function properly, you could be more likely to make mistakes, which could lead to accidents at home or in your place of work. Besides unnatural breathing patterns, there are other symptoms of sleep apnea, which can include:

  • Frequent and chronic snoring
  • Gasping for breath, while sleeping
  • Daytime sleepiness and drowsiness
  • Difficulty with memory, focus, and concentration
  • Severe morning heartburn
  • A sour taste in the mouth when waking in the morning
  • Chest pains while sleeping
  • Depression or unexplainable mood swings

Being sleepy can cause you to have trouble studying, to make mistakes at work, and it can even make it difficult to drive safely. We don’t want you to have to live with a condition that could jeopardize your safety, so give us a call at Sara Cummins Aesthetics & Implant Dentistry to set up and appointment for a sleep apnea consultation. Using our experience of sleep apnea, we will examine you to figure out the best treatment for your sleep apnea symptoms.

We want you to be at your best when you are awake AND asleep.. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, a better night’s sleep is only one phone call away!