We’re rough on our teeth. How many times have you chewed on ice or played sports without wearing a mouthguard? If you also skip semi-annual dental appointments and neglect a rigid homecare regimen of brushing and flossing, you compromise your smile even further. People damage or lose teeth every day from injury, disease, and decay. This can destroy oral function, cause pain, and create an unattractive space in your smile. Your mouth must compensate for the lack of chewing power when a tooth is missing, so the chewing force may move to another part of the mouth. This causes the remaining teeth to shift out of place and destroy function and aesthetics.

We always suggest taking care of your teeth because preventive care can save you time, hassle, and money. But when accidents happen, we have solutions.

Simple dental procedures can restore your damaged tooth, replace your missing tooth, and return your smile’s natural, fresh beauty. A crown is customized to cover the complete visible surface of a structurally unsound tooth to add strength and stability, while restoring the tooth’s natural shape and size. Crowns can be made of precious metal, porcelain pressed to metal, or all-porcelain. For damaged teeth, crowns restore beauty and function.

A bridge can actually replace missing teeth. Fused between two porcelain crowns, a bridge can replace one or more teeth to complete your smile. If you prefer a more stable and long-lasting prosthetic, a dental implant may be the right choice. Dental implants closely mimic nature in that they start with a firm foundation – a titanium post inserted into the missing tooth’s socket. This post creates a prosthetic tooth root that bonds with natural bone tissue. On the top of the implant, we can place a beautiful prosthetic tooth, a dental implant restoration, that will look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth.

Unfortunately, our dentition is often undervalued until a portion of it is lost. Our teeth are an important part of our bodies and should be cared for with diligent homecare and regular dental visits. However, if your teeth have already experienced damage, see us immediately. We can help you decide on the best treatment to restore your smile. Your teeth will thank you for it.